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Data Charts for fuzz


Listing All Accepted Entries for fuzz (most recent on top)

Species Length Date Caught Image(s) Notes Actions
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 23.25
(209.25 pts)
February 03, 2018 Photo feb 03  11 37 43 am thumb Photo feb 03  11 37 50 am thumb Photo feb 06  11 23 04 am thumb Show
Rockscallop thumbRock Scallop 6.5
(159.25 pts)
November 07, 2017 Scallop1 thumb Scallop2 thumb  (while DOTY down) Last ab-dive of year, found small cluster of scallops. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.5
(180.5 pts)
November 07, 2017 Ab1 thumb Ab2 thumb Ab3 thumb (while DOTY down) Last ab-dive of year; slim-pickings. Hoping we have an ab season next year! Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 15.5
(170.5 pts)
November 05, 2017 Fuzzgreenling1 thumb Fuzzgreenling2 thumb Fuzzgreenling3 thumb Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.0
(153.0 pts)
November 05, 2017 Fuzzolive1 thumb Fuzzolive2 thumb Fuzzolive3 thumb Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 23.5
(188.0 pts)
November 05, 2017 Fuzzcab1 thumb Fuzzcab2 thumb Fuzzcab3 thumb Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 12.75
(127.5 pts)
November 05, 2017 Fuzzcopper1 thumb Fuzzcopper2 thumb Fuzzcopper3 thumb Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 20.5
(184.5 pts)
June 24, 2017 20170624 190038 thumb 20170624 190041 thumb 20170624 190044 thumb Last dive of day. Nestled between two boulders, this curious vermilion swam up and turned broadside. 50ft. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.0
(182.0 pts)
June 24, 2017 20170624 190313 thumb 20170624 190316 thumb 20170624 190320 thumb Still one of my favorite Norcal fish... headed to the steamer! 55ft Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.25
(186.875 pts)
June 24, 2017 20170624 190516 thumb 20170624 190520 thumb 20170624 190523 thumb Found a new reef blanketted with a huge cloud of blues. 40ft. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 20.0
(190.0 pts)
June 24, 2017 20170624 190202 thumb 20170624 190205 thumb 20170624 190208 thumb Small clusters of black rockfish, took one from each school. 35ft. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 17.5
(157.5 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 175408 thumb 20170304 175413 thumb 20170304 175416 thumb 50ft; inside SWS cove. Engaged in a staring contest... which I eventually won. ;) Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 18.0
(189.0 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 181036 thumb 20170304 181038 thumb 20170304 181042 thumb 5ft; peeked in a cave created by a cluster of boulders and found a trio of rubberlips taking a nap. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 23.75
(160.3125 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 174753 thumb 20170304 174756 thumb 20170304 174759 thumb 10ft; <br> <br> Darkness surrounds me. <br> Ugly monkey staring back. <br> Tastes worse than it looks. <br> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/zkjkOsY.jpg"></img> Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.25
(182.5 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 180348 thumb 20170304 180352 thumb 20170304 180357 thumb 0ft; shot this chunky grassy from the surface in about 3ft of water. Nestled between 2 boulders. Calm day allowed me to check out some rocks in SWS that I've never looked at before. Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 12.0
(120.0 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 175010 thumb 20170304 175013 thumb 20170304 175016 thumb 40ft; cute but tasty fish for the steamer. :) Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.25
(178.125 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 175242 thumb 20170304 175244 thumb 20170304 175250 thumb 30ft; this kelpie's tail was custom made for doty points! Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 37.75
(198.1875 pts)
March 04, 2017 20170304 204910 thumb 20170304 204914 thumb 20170304 204918 thumb 40ft; saw this ling on a previous dive, bloated with roe. Found her again... spawned out with a feisty male guarding her egg cluster. Fair game! Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 34.75
(182.4375 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 171657 thumb 20140920 171702 thumb 20140920 171706 thumb Just fill in out some species. 2 matching lings & a cab sharing a ledge. 50ft. Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 22.5
(180.0 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 171430 thumb 20140920 171435 thumb 20140920 171440 thumb Sharing a hole with a pair of lings. 50ft. Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 20.75
(134.875 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 171317 thumb 20140920 171255 thumb  25ft, cute lil' pinky Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 16.25
(186.875 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 171148 thumb 20140920 171151 thumb 20140920 171157 thumb Shooting blues with Jim, Rick, & Kwok. Kept a couple for dinner. :) Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 19.0
(171.0 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 170925 thumb 20140920 170928 thumb 20140920 170932 thumb Shot this olive on outskirts of blues school. After stringing it on my waist stringer, a harbor seal decided to jump on my back and try to rob me of DOTY points... No doubt sent by Jim. Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 24.5
(165.375 pts)
September 20, 2014 20140920 170818 thumb 20140920 170823 thumb 20140920 170827 thumb I feel so dirty shooting these slime sticks... Will look for a bigger head next time. When completely drowned in teriyaki sauce... It still tastes like a MFE :( Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 22.75
(204.75 pts)
September 13, 2014 20140913 210216 thumb 20140913 210225 thumb 20140913 210230 thumb Checking out some new grounds. Stumbled across a bouldery reef with a nice cluster of reds, including this nice one at 70ft. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 20.5
(194.75 pts)
July 06, 2014 20140706 181337 thumb 20140706 181342 thumb 20140706 181345 thumb Monterey county. Late afternoon dive with Nate (Spinal Tap). Nice black in 20ft of water. Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 46.0
(230.0 pts)
May 31, 2014 Img 0047 thumb Img 0048 thumb Img 0049 thumb New personal best halibut. Late afternoon dive with Nate (Spinal Tap). Shallow water diving, it took me for a ride before I could get my hand in the gills to subdue it. Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 20.25
(202.5 pts)
April 13, 2014 Img 3791 thumb Img 3793 thumb Img 3794 thumb Big grassy. Bit shrunken from being iced overnight. :( 25ft. Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 20.0
(200.0 pts)
November 04, 2012 Img 3654 thumb Img 3655 thumb Img 3656 thumb Football shaped copper, a little under 6#. Shot at 60-65ft. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 14.25
(199.5 pts)
November 04, 2012 Img 3645 thumb Img 3647 thumb  Fat fat China RF. Piggy little bugger! ~40-50ft depth. Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 16.0
(200.0 pts)
October 13, 2012 Img 3640 thumb Img 3641 thumb  Huge kelpie, yummy yummy! Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 29.25
(197.4375 pts)
September 09, 2012 Img 3517 thumb Img 3520 thumb  T2B event. 6.91# Leap-frogging BigJim in the Monkeyfaced Wars! Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 18.25
(191.625 pts)
August 23, 2012 Img 3494 thumb Img 3495 thumb  Afternoon/evening dive. Fat Perch. Pacifica, CA. Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 18.0
(171.0 pts)
August 12, 2012 Img 3418 thumb Img 3420 thumb Img 3429 thumb Post-AlbionOpen morning dive with Amadeo. This black was in 12ft of water. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 21.0
(189.0 pts)
August 12, 2012 Img 3408 thumb Img 3409 thumb Img 3428 thumb Post-AlbionOpen morning dive with Amadeo. Pair of beautiful reds. Bigger one in 55-60ft. Smaller at 50-55ft. Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 13.0
(182.0 pts)
June 29, 2012 Img 3382 thumb Img 3383 thumb  My favorite eating rockfish. Shot at 45ft, Mendocino. :) Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 12.5
(175.0 pts)
June 10, 2012 Bny1.10jun2012 thumb Bny2.10jun2012 thumb Bny3.10jun2012 thumb An epic battle... it took me over half an hour to finally subdue this beast! Show
Halibut thumb thumbHalibut 34.5
(172.5 pts)
June 09, 2012 Img 3346 thumb Img 3347 thumb Img 3337 thumb Murky diving in subpar conditions... lucky enough to stumble upon this pair of flatties. :) Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 39.0
(204.75 pts)
June 03, 2012 Ling.1.3jun2012 thumb Ling.2.3jun2012 thumb Img 3250 thumb North coast shore-dive with Spinal Tap. A little bit of everything including this big ling in 6-8ft of water. :) Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 19.75
(197.5 pts)
June 03, 2012 Grass.1.3jun2012 thumb Grass.2.3jun2012 thumb Img 3250 thumb North coast shore-dive with Spinal Tap. Grass rockfish hiding in eelgrass - 10ft. Show
Red 20abalone 207 thumbRed Abalone 9.25
(175.75 pts)
June 03, 2012 Ab.1.3jun2012 thumb Ab.2.3jun2012 thumb Img 3250 thumb North coast shore-dive with Spinal Tap. No monsters abs, but some nice quality nonetheless. :) Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 15.75
(181.125 pts)
June 03, 2012 Blue1.3jun2012 thumb Blue2.3jun2012 thumb Img 3250 thumb North coast shore-dive with Spinal Tap. Chubby blue RF. Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 20.25
(182.25 pts)
April 07, 2012 Img 3098 thumb Img 3099 thumb Img 3075 thumb 15-20ft. Carmel City Beach. Handful of nice rockfish including this healthy olive that surprised me in the shallows! :) Show
Sheephead thumbCalifornia Sheephead 31.0
(201.5 pts)
March 04, 2012 Img 2921 thumb Img 2922 thumb Img 2863 thumb Healthy male sheephead, 18#. Taken in Big Sur; shoredive. End of hawg trough is 31" and the fish is over, so used that as my measuring basis. Confirmed by Kwok, who is holding the head against end in the first picture. Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 20.75
(186.75 pts)
March 03, 2012 Img 2778 thumb Img 2779 thumb Img 2774 thumb Carmel, found this fat red lurking in a boulder pile. Solid fish & real stocky, but not much length. Still made my day. :) 50ft Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 19.0
(171.0 pts)
March 03, 2012 Img 2780 thumb Img 2781 thumb Img 2774 thumb /Pinnacle ambush / Lying in wait, turning blue / Here comes an olive!/ 35ft Show
Grassrf thumbGrass Rockfish 18.0
(180.0 pts)
February 26, 2012 Grass2a thumb Grass2b thumb 27feb catch1 thumb Fat grassy hiding in series of rocks with other grassies & cab. Afternoon dive with Nelson Kwok. 30ft Show
Mspc052 thumbOlive Rockfish 17.5
(157.5 pts)
February 26, 2012 Olive2a thumb Olive2b thumb 27feb catch1 thumb Shot 4 olives, all within an inch of each other. Nelson shot one... and it was bigger than all of mine. :( 25ft Show
Vermillion thumb thumbVermilion RockFish 15.0
(135.0 pts)
February 20, 2012 Red1a thumb Red1b thumb  Small red, but only decent one I saw all day. President's Day dive with Spinal Tap & Pedxing. 40ft Show
Copper rockfish fishid2 thumbCopper Rockfish 14.0
(140.0 pts)
February 20, 2012 Copper2c thumb Copper2d thumb  Small copper, but the ones I saw were all the same size. Still great tasting! President's Day dive with Spinal Tap & Pedxing. 40ft Show
Blackrockfish thumbBlack Rockfish 13.5
(128.25 pts)
February 18, 2012 Black1a thumb Black1b thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 25ft Show
Bluerockfish thumbBlue Rockfish 14.0
(161.0 pts)
February 18, 2012 Blue1c thumb Blue1d thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 30ft Show
China thumbGopher Rockfish/Black&Yellow Rockfish/China Rockfish 11.75
(164.5 pts)
February 18, 2012 Bny1a thumb Bny1b thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) Tiny, but delicious B&Y! 30ft Show
Cabezon thumb thumbCabezon 22.0
(176.0 pts)
February 18, 2012 Cab1l thumb Cab1m thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 40ft Show
Kelprockfish thumbKelp Rockfish 14.75
(184.375 pts)
February 18, 2012 Kelpie1c thumb Kelpie1d thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 30ft Show
Surfperch thumb thumbPerch 17.25
(181.125 pts)
February 18, 2012 Perch1a thumb Perch1b thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 30ft Show
Monkeyface thumbMonkeyface Prickleback 27.0
(182.25 pts)
February 18, 2012 Mfe1c thumb Mfe1d thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) Norcalslayer (Garrat) showed me up on shore with his toad MFE. ;) 25ft Show
Greenling thumb thumbGreenling 14.5
(159.5 pts)
February 18, 2012 Greenling1a thumb Greenling1b thumb Haul3 thumb Carmel, CA. Weather was brutal, so stayed inside the cove and challenged myself to hunt as many different species as possible. :) 20ft Show
Lingcod thumb thumbLingcod 36.25
(190.3125 pts)
January 29, 2012 Img 2635 thumb Img 2636 thumb Img 2645 thumb Carmel, 35 & 55ft. Both free-swimming on fishy reefs. Show
